Nashim: Awakening Our Joy
An Jewish Meditation Retreat for Women
with Rebecca Schisler, Rabbi Batsheva Meiri, and Sheila Katz
Join us for a virtual 4-day Jewish meditation retreat for self-identifying women of all ages and stages of meditation experience. We will come together in social silence to dive deep into mindfulness practice, a transformative and heart-opening process that enables us to cultivate insight and compassionate action in our lives and the world.
Our retreat falls on Rosh Hodesh Adar, a month in which we are meant to 'increase our joy' as we ready ourselves for the holiday of Purim and its themes of concealment and revelation, the complex heroism of Vashti and Esther, playfulness, and radical not-knowing. With practices of mindfulness and loving-kindness, we grow our capacity for emotional resiliency and well-being as we cultivate gratitude, wisdom and joy - even in the midst of global crisis.
The retreat will include daily chant, prayer, meditation instruction, teaching, movement, time for Q&A, and meetings with teachers to support each one’s practice. Within the nourishing and sacred container of community, we will create a unique space for the emergence of women’s wisdom, depth of practice, empowerment and creative blossoming.