mindfulness coaching & Consultation
Mindfulness helps us to look deeply into our lives and the conditioning that shapes our perception. Far beyond stress reduction, it empowers us to skillfully and compassionately respond to what arises within our experiences and relationships to ourselves and others.
Through observing the present moment with sustained, non-judgmental awareness, we can identify where we become trapped in habituated patterns and reactions, unconsciously creating unnecessary suffering and confusion. We can begin to untie these knots and touch the innate freedom and wakefulness that lives within our hearts. This cultivation of loving awareness creates space for healing and awakening to naturally occur, enabling our paths to unfold with more grace, compassion, and insight.
Ultimately, mindfulness leads us on a journey home to ourselves, to greater intimacy with life, and to a more authentic expression of who we truly are.
I am here as a guide, an affirmative witness to your process, and an ally on the journey of awakening, supporting you in the emergence of your unique wisdom, self actualization, and heart-centered expression.
Our work together:
We each must find the practices that will help us sustain loving awareness and orient towards growth. Mindfulness is the cornerstone of our sessions, and is a profound tool that can permeate every aspect of your life. Drawing upon a variety of embodied awareness practices and wisdom teachings with mindfulness meditation at the center, we will work towards meeting life with insight and compassion as it unfolds in each moment.