youth & families
I work as a mindfulness instructor and mentor with youth of all ages, as well as parents and child-caregivers.
Kids (ages 4-11)
Mindfulness can help kids be with their feelings lovingly and skillfully, focus their attention, self-regulate when things get hard, and treat themselves and others with kindness. These 25-minute sessions include games, practices, stories and songs that build on each other to learn mindful skills that families can practice together at home. Parents are welcome to join!
Tweens & Teens (ages 12-18)
I work with tweens and teens providing mindfulness instruction and mentoring, and integrating meditation and creative expression through the arts. As well as learning skills for social/emotional intelligence and resiliency, mindfulness can help young people decrease stress, focus on what really matters to them, improve relationships, and express themselves authentically.
Parents & Caregivers
These sessions are open to anyone who spends time with kids. I share simple tools and resources that child-caregivers can use to support their children in cultivating emotional intelligence and resiliency, navigate behavioral challenges, and incorporate family-friendly mindfulness practice into life at home.